Curriculum Vitae
Background in computational and theoretical physics, and mathematics.
I carry extensive experience in software development, with a deep knowledge on algorithms, abstract data structures,
hybrid parallel programming and high-performance computing.
I'm fascinated by the changes of paradigm that machine learning algorithms pose against traditional programming, as
well as new forms of computing such as quantum computing.
As a scientist at heart, my curiosity led me down different paths.
Much of my career has been devoted to theoretical modeling and development of numerical methods for multiscale
simulations applied to nanotechnology.
After a long period dedicated to scientific software development, I worked on a variety of problems, from computer
vision and parallel imaging processing up to unsupervised learning techniques for classifying images according to
geolocalization data.
Currently I'm a parallel programming research engineer at Huawei's Paris Research Center, working on the
optimization and the acceleration of deep learning models on the MindSpore AI framework.
I'm always very enthusiastic about tackling problems out of my comfort zone and working out challenging problems.
I have good interpersonal skills and I appreciate working with people from different backgrounds and to exchange
I've been collaborating with theoretical and experimental groups worldwide (Spain, Poland, France, Brazil,
Luxembourg, US, Denmark and China).
Areas of Expertise
Programming languages
Advanced | Python, C++, C, Fortran, shell script |
Intermediate | R, Octave/MATLAB |
Basic | Java, Ruby, Lua |
The description of some relevant open source codes can be found here .
Operating systems
Linux, Windows and MacOS
Key competencies
- Research, Computational Physics, Mathematical Modeling, Data Analysis
- Probability Theory, Statistics, Linear Algebra
- Algorithms, Abstract Data Structures, Parallel Computing, HPC
- Machine Learning Techniques, Deep Learning, Data Science, Data Analytics
- Communication Skills, Problem-Solving, Teamwork, Teaching/Training Skills, Goal-Oriented
Work Experience
Research Engineer
2023-present |
Vicomtech, Spain
Research Engineer at the Connected & Cooperative Automated Systems Department. |
Parallel Programming Research Engineer
2021-2023 |
Huawei Technologies, France
Parallel computing / Accelerator programming research engineer at Paris Research Center. Key accomplishments:
Software Engineer
2020-2021 |
Alerion, Spain
Computer vision, parallel imaging processing in embedded GPU, unsupervised learning for image classification with geolocalization data. Key accomplishments:
Postdoctoral researcher
2017-2020 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC, Spain
Electronic structure and quantum transport in graphene-based nanostructures and networks. funding: DIPC Foundation |
2015-2017 |
Centro de Física de Materiales - CFM, Spain
Development of tools and theoretical models for studying electron transport in nanoscale devices. funding: European Commission, 7o Framework Programme, ICT Collaborative project |
Scientific training
2006-2007 |
CERN - European Organization for Nuclear Research, Switzerland, ALICE experiment.
Development on the AliRoot framework for simulation at the ALICE Off-line group (950h). funding: European Commission, programme América Latina - Formación Académica (ALFA) |
2004-2005 |
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, Coherent Manipulation of Atoms and Light Laboratory.
Development of a magneto-optical trap experiment. funding: National Council of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq/PIBIC) |
2019 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC, Spain, Supervisor.
Electronic properties and tight-binding parametrization of twisted bi-layer graphene. student: Itsaso Blanco Gonzalez, University College London, Faculty of Maths and Physical Sciences. |
2019 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC, Spain, Co-supervisor.
Simulations of wave package dynamics in graphene-based materials. student: Asier Rodríguez, Universidad del País Vasco, Departamento de Física. |
2018 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC, Spain, Supervisor.
Code development for evaluating bond order of graphene-based structures via graph theory. student: Amaia Juaristi Arrizabalaga, Universidad del País Vasco, Departamento de Matemáticas. |
2018 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC, Spain, Co-supervisor.
Code development for wavefunction propagation on low-dimensional nanoscale devices. student: Biel Martinez Diaz, Universitat de Barcelona, Facultat de Química. |
2004-2005 |
Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Teaching assistant of Experimental Physics III and IV. |
2008 |
Educafro, Cohab de Taipas and Cohab Brasilândia, Brazil.
Teacher of physics and mathematics. |
2001 |
A. A. Criança, Associação de Apoio às Meninas e Meninos da Região Sé, Brazil.
Assistance to children and young people living on the streets. |
Technical works
2019 |
Universidade Federal do ABC - UFABC,
Setup and installation of environment for scientific computing on the cluster mildred. |
2016 |
ESPEEM, Luxembourg.
Configuration and installation of environment for scientific computing on Google Cloud Platform. |
2016 |
INSPIRE, Johannes
Gutenberg-Universitat Mainz, Germany.
Scientific computing environment setup/installation on the workstations iph-bigbang and quasar. |
2015 |
Centro de Física de Materiales - CFM, Spain.
Setup and installation of environment for scientific computing on the cluster oberon. |
2015 |
Donostia International Physics Center - DIPC,
Scientific computing environment setup and installation on the clusters atlas, brontes and hemera. |
Complementary Education
2009-2014 |
Bachelor in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.
Concluded 65% of the courses (1350h). |
- IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2022 Achievement - Advanced, IBM (2022)
- Deep Learning Specialization, (2019)
- Neural Networks and Deep Learning, (2019)
- Structuring Machine Learning Projects, (2019)
- Improving Deep Neural Networks: Hyperparameter tuning, Regularization and Optimization, (2019)
- Convolutional Neural Networks, (2019)
- Sequence Models, (2019)
- Machine-Learning, Stanford University (2018)
Scientific Production
Author of 17 publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals, 11 as first theory author, with average impact factor 8.64 and all in Q1. The full publication list can be found here .
That's my citation map according to Publons (on 2022.03.04):

Commission of trust
Reviewer for scientific journals:
- ChemistrySelect
- Nature Scientific Reports
- Physica Status Solidi (b)
- The Journal of Physical Chemistry
- Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter
- The European Physical Journal
Conferences, Scientific Meetings and Workshops
Attended and presented work in scientific conferences/workshops worldwide (Germany, Hong Kong, USA, Spain, Austria and Brazil), whose complete list can be found at my lattes curriculum.
Slides and posters I've presented elsewhere can be found here .
Organization of International Congresses
2016 |
Towards reality in modelling of molecular electronics (TRMME), June 13-17, Spain. |
Research projects and grants
2018-2020 |
A Novel Platform for Electronics and Quantum Electron Optics Based on Graphene Nanostructures
grant: Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness |
2010-2014 |
Study of the Influence of Localized Vibrational Modes in Charge Transport Properties at Nanoscale
grant: National Council of Technological and Scientific Development - CNPq |
2006-2007 |
CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research) at ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment)
grant: HELEN program (High Energy Latin American Network) |
2004-2005 |
Vacuum Quantum Noise Squeezing by Polarization Self-rotation
grant: National Council of Technological and Scientific Development - CNPq |
Portuguese | Mother Tongue | |
English | Fluent | Understand well, speak well, read well, write well |
Spanish | Advanced | Understand well, speak well, read well, write reasonably |
French | Intermediate | Understand well, speak reasonably, read well, write reasonably |